My animation didn’t get a low score btw
Asian|concept artist|character design|3D modeller|anime|emo|metalhead|comic artist|music|166cm (5’5)|animator
Age 19, Female
Joined on 4/22/23
My animation didn’t get a low score btw
@XEmoCatX Rules for specific portals as well as general rules are detailed in here: and the admins/moderators don't have to provide a reason why something was removed unless you ask a portal moderator. You said it was an animation, but also art, did you upload to the art portal or the movie portal?
Shit my English is bad, it’s a 2D animation mixed with stop motion (I put it under movie), it’s a trailer I made for my school.
@XEmoCatX Do you recall the score specifically? Very short 30s movies that is just a trailer is something I could be blammed. Depending on the number of votes, roughly around 0.5-less than 2 is enough to be blammed.
@zachary and/or @zj XEmoCatX would request assistance as to why her animation was removed from the movie portal despite having a 3/5 score. If a copyright content violation was made, could you share that with us? I'm curious myself to know now. I pinged both of you because I felt two different portal moderators could have a more rounded viewpoint.
Thank u for helping me
@XEmoCatX I think ZJ is asking for a specific and direct link to the animation if you still have it.
Oh okay like this?
Boy, what a story! I wonder how it ended?
Idk if I got copystriked or if it’s the thumbnail
Admin's don't remove someone's art or animation unless it's something like using copyrighted music or is lolicon porn for example which will absolutely get deleted on sight upon verdict of rule breaking is made. I think more likely, your animation got blammed because all movies and games have to be voted on if its worth saving and probably it got low score enough to not get saved.
I am new to Newgrounds, they didn’t tell me what my animation goes against the guidelines?